Hagerty Irish Hour
Hagerty Irish Hour The Hagerty Irish Hour had its genesis in a Sunday afternoon program started in 1951, with a number of hosts, but led by Jack Hagerty. In 1953, Jack Hagerty sent a letter to the Irish and Irish-American community of Chicago announcing the start of the Saturday morning Irish Hour, saying “This program is yours to criticize or compliment, and we would appreciate hearing from you. We are inviting all clubs, organizations and churches to make use of our facilities in publicizing their activities. I hope you will spend Saturday morning with me.”Jack kept that promise to the Irish community for 27 years until his death in 1980. He was active in all aspects of the Irish community in Chicago, including announcing the St. Patrick’s Day parade every year from its start until his last parade in 1980. Jack’s greatest wish was that his children would help keep the legacy alive – and so the Hagerty Irish Hour continues today, 40 years after Jack’s death and 68 years after Jack, Sr. wrote that letter. All six of Jack’s children, Denise, Donna, Jack, Ed, Tom and Jim hosted the Saturday morning show at one time or another. Currently Jack, Denise and Ed share the hosting responsibilities, with Irish music, live news from Ireland, interviews with musicians, authors, politicians and most importantly, an open forum for the Irish community to publicize its events and functions. The show starts at 9 am on radio station WPNA, 1490 AM, in the same studio that Jack used when he started the show back in 1953.
Join them in their signature sign-off from the air, “If you get the chance, please say a little prayer for me and my family, and let’s all pray for a peaceful and united Ireland.”